I wish I could Have commented on the NYT article. Fundamentally, Ghana needs to diversify its exports. Ghana has tried subsidizing manufacturing for years since independence and Ghana still isn't connected to international supply chains for electronics, cars, and etc. The lowest hanging fruit that could help Ghana is finally becoming food independent by increasing food production and becoming a net food exporter. Increasing food yield would give farmers the income to buy domestic manufactured goods and boost savings from.subsistence to savers. Once more farmers can save money, local banks have more money that they can lend. That way ghana can borrow more locally fhan abroad. Too many administrations have an urban bias (because the prominent voters are urbanized). If Ghana could export palm oil, rice, or yams the same way it exports cocoa, that would save Ghana on foreign exchange and bring in more foreign currency. (Ghana imports nearly 3.6B on food, before Ghana ran out of reserves it had 5B). Ghana (and most of Africa save North and South africa) have abysmal yield on food imports.


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There aren't many colours left in our Rainbow Nation, so I also appreciated the difficult truth in 'Fear and Loathing in South Africa' (which I had already put in my newsletter draft).

Glad to see mention of the assassinations in KZN. It should be on the front pages of the world yet South Africa's image has often being mollycoddled by the West, with our minerals needed, and us as one conduit to Sub-Saharan Africa. Thus, our pretend democracy is preserved by those claiming they act in the name of democracy.

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